
Compose HTML documents programmatically

Implements an IRC client bot
Compose HTML documents programmatically
Measure the time a PHP script takes to run
Generate a class to serve a list of images
Process files uploaded via Web forms
Easy Image DB Management
Manage images stored in files or MySQL database
Filter dangerous values from request variables
Generate signatures that identify the current user
Generate HTML image tags programmatically


Manage a vote polling system

Send HTTP requests and process XML responses
Keep track of form validation errors
Manage a vote polling system
Execute programs in remote computers using SSH
Delete aged files and folder
Cache page content output in files
Compose and send HTTP response headers
Manage forum messages stored in a MySQL database
Convert non-ASCII text in UTF-8 to HTML entities
Send payment requests to Paypal payments Pro API
Backup and restore MySQL databases
Simple benchmark
Measure the time a PHP script takes to run
Generate a class to serve a list of images


Mass Send, Attach, Embed, Through SMTP or MAIL()

Find circular references using waypoint array
Generate scripts to manipulate MySQL table records
Validate several types of value
Mass Send, Attach, Embed, Through SMTP or MAIL()


Prepare and execute MySQL database queries

Search DB
Search for a word in MySQL tables
Prepare and execute MySQL database queries
Measure the time that elapses in microseconds
SMS Twitter to India
Send SMS messages when Twitter status is update
Embed Shoutcast radio
Generate HTML to embed an Internet radio player
Count Rows
Count the lines of files that exist in a directory
Joker the IRC bot
IRC client to create bots
Generate proxy auto-configuration files from XML


Show script debug information to authorized users

Show script debug information to authorized users
Generate code to access MySQL records as objects
Serialize objects with cyclic references
Display a calendar with events
MySQL database access wrapper


Create HTML forms using DOM objects

Implement a Shoutcast music streaming server
Create HTML forms using DOM objects
Compact the size of CSS definitions


Upload File

Render a SVG graphic as a PNG image
Output values of variables
Generate code for proxy classes or interfaces
Process file uploads submitted via Web forms
Implement deterministic finite state machines