sifbuilder 1.2.1 (Default branch)
sifbuilder is a program aiming to facilitate the declarative definition and automatic generation of Web sites. It incorporates a scriptable installation framework, an automatic installer, a package management system, remote execution facilities, a declarative Web site definition model based on XML, a module generator and a test environment. The sif framework allows defining the core, modules, blocks and content of a WCM site in an XML file. sifbuilder takes that file from a URI and automatically downloads the packages and creates the site.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Seismic ToolKit 0.43 (Default branch)
Seismic Toolkit is a tool for processing and displaying seismic signal data in a graphical interface. It reads seismic signals in SAC format, and provides a variety of signal processing, such as filtering, spectral analysis, polarisation analysis, time-frequency representation, Hilbert transform, and singular value decomposition. Some utilities are included for useful seismological applications, like computation of Seismic Moment Mo, Mantle magnitude Mm and Moment magnitude Mw, MTPA spectral analysis, plotting focal mechanisms, computation (and plotting) of instrumental response from poles and zeros, and some usefull GMT (Generic Mapping Tool) scripts for plotting signals, responses, and time-frequency in Postscript files for high quality prints.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
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