
Show MySQL query results split in pages using AJAX

Log events to the PHP error log
Show MySQL query results split in pages using AJAX
Manipulate and display dates and time on Web pages
Manipulate songs listed in Blip.fm site


Generate HTML and XHTML programatically

Generate HTML and XHTML programatically
Convert BBCode formatted text to HTML
Retrieve weather forecasts from Yahoo
MySQL database access wrapper
Generate passwords with given requirements
Read and write RSS and Atom feeds


Encrypt and decrypt data using a secret key

Query MySQL using values passed pragmatically
Turn an associative array into an object
Execute MySQL queries from argument values
Encrypt and decrypt data using a secret key
Retrieve project files in GIT repositories
Display statistics from anope IRC services


MVC framework implementation

Determine the Moon phase on a given date
Check whether Javascript is enabled in the browser
MVC framework implementation
Get the schema of a MySQL database into a XML file


Update MySQL databases using SQL change set files

Update MySQL databases using SQL change set files
Serialize and unserialize values in bencode format
Acess e-mail messages from a mailbox
Data type to manipulate numbers


Manipulate MP3 audio files

Manipulate MP3 audio files
Manipulate data records stored in a LDAP server
Measure the time a script takes to execute
Convert PDF files to JPEG images using ImageMagick


Manipulate type safe objects

Manipulate type safe objects
Retrieve information from TrueType font files
Find route between points using Dijkstra algorithm
Determine the pages where short URLs lead