
Store and retrieved encrypted values in cookies

Manipulate content of a site in Webs.com
Receive and reply to Web services requests
Shows random image or Flash banners from a list
Measure time script execution time
Store and retrieved encrypted values in cookies
Perform mathematical operations with fractions
Perform useful actions using Web services
Export email list to CSV and vCard
Export contact lists in CSV and vCard formats
Create animations in GIF format from an image list
Run MySQL database queries from parameter lists


Encrypt and verify URL parameters

Template engine that replaces variables with text
Call PostgreSQL stored procedures
Create and manipulate images
Encrypt and verify URL parameters
Manage content stored in a MySQL database
Manage hosting e-mail accounts with cPanel
Forms Protected of XSS attacks
Validate submitted form values
Framework that implements MVC design pattern


Generate Xdebug code coverage reports

Generate Xdebug code coverage reports
Get information about disk volumes
Implement the decorator design pattern
Get the location of an IP using ipinfodb.com
Create obfuscated e-mail strings
Manipulate text strings
 Remove Directory
Delete directories and its files recursively
MySQL database access wrapper


Parse and analyze HTML documents

Submit ZIP archives to Produce and Publish servers
Execute MySQL database queries
Generate and validate HTML forms
Parse and analyze HTML documents
 PDF to image converter using PHP
Convert PDF documents to images using Ghostscript
Generate HTML to embed audio and video players


Manage and call closures and callback functions

Manage and call closures and callback functions
Resize and process uploaded image files
Scan resources made available by SMB shares
Backup and restore MySQL databases from XML files
Manipulate dates, HTML and text strings
MySQL database access wrapper


Generate sitemaps and notify updates

Generate sitemaps and notify updates
Manage XML and MySQL databases using SQL
Manage variables with dynamic names
Search and count words in a file
Monitor and restore damaged application files
Log checker
Truncate log files that exceed a limit size
Get information about IP address from IPInfoDB.com


Retrieve server traffic information using RRDTool

Execute Oracle database queries
Retrieve server traffic information using RRDTool
Calculate hosting bandwidth based on its audience


Show buttons to pay products with Google Checkout

Show buttons to pay products with Google Checkout
Keep track of references to variable values
Burn CD using CreateCD Windows program
Merge template values in OpenOffice and Office


GET POST protector

Spell number with Serbian words
Register name and value pairs in a SQLite database
Send e-mail messages with multiple attachments
Compute stem strings from Indonesian words
Process GET and POST HTTP request values
Crop images to remove edges with same color
Store and retrieve objects from databases with PDO


Translate pages automatically using jQuery plug-in

Crawl and retrieve links of Web pages
Compose and send HTML e-mail messages
Translate pages automatically using jQuery plug-in
Simple MySQL database access wrapper


Twitter API

Set or get information from a Twitter user account
Display and process user registrations using AJAX
Wrapper to access MySQL databases
Replace text with HTML to color and convert letter
Show MySQL query results in an HTML table
Get the location of an IP address from IPInfoDB
Backup MySQL databases generating SQL files
Framework that implements the MVC design pattern
MySQL database access wrapper using MySQLi


YouTube Video API

Generate chart images using Google chart service
Retrieve information about YouTube videos
MySQL database abstraction access layer
Generate navigation for listings split among pages


Display CAPTCHA images and validate forms

Display CAPTCHA images and validate forms
Perform operations to manipulate matrices
Generates barcode images using TTF fonts
Generate article pages using HTML 5 syntax
Store and retrieve data from Memcache servers
Quadratic Equation
Solve quadratic equations
Perform several operations to manipulate images
Generate article pages using HTML 5 syntax
Store and retrieve data from Memcache servers
Update and retrieve the statuses of a Twitter user
Authenticate users without reloading a login page


Retrieve data from CSV file into an array

Manage queue with a limited number of elements
Retrieve data from CSV file into an array
Apply regular expressions from a MySQL database
Display Oracle query results in an HTML table
Build regular expressions programmatically
Get product information using Affili.net API
Generate bar code images using code 39


Manage objects stored MySQL database dynamically

Manage lists of strings
Manage nested sets of data stored in a database
Manage objects stored MySQL database dynamically
js color picker
A great script from jscolor.com which makes it much easier for your users to pick colors for input fields on your web page/web application.
OFX Parser
Parse and extract financial records from OFX files
Extract meta keywords from multi-byte texts


Create XML documents from arrays using SimpleXML

Create XML documents from arrays using SimpleXML
Manage Apache user and group authentication files
MySQL database access using MySQLi
Compose CSS style sheets from multiple templates
SQL Query Generator
Generate SQL queries from lists of parameters
Implementation of the singleton design pattern


Assemble variables to generate a query string

Dump a Microsoft SQL server database
Assemble variables to generate a query string
Add products to a shopping cart using AJAX
Oracle database access layer
Send messages via SMTP server with authentication
iGoogle-like Drag & Drop Portal v2.0
This is a great script created by Michel Hiemstra. It's an iGoogle like portal script similar to the Dragable RSS boxes from this site.
Execute MySQL queries read from files


Display month calendars in HTML pages

Display month calendars in HTML pages
Integrate site users with vBulletin member system
Determine the most relevant keywords of a text
Validate and process file uploads
Generate lists of pages for split listings
Add, modify and delete MySQL table records
Handle requests to network servers
Generate SQL queries from HTTP request values


Generate an image with a bar code

Send free SMS by e-mail to many carriers
Generate an image with a bar code
Execute prepared queries to MySQL databases
Display a gallery with images from a directory
Backup files
Backup and restore files of a directory
Backup of Cisco router configuration using SNMP
Display MySQL query results in an HTML table
Embed remote videos and audio in HTML pages


Backup and restore MySQL databases

Backup and restore MySQL databases
Compile HTML templates into PHP scripts
Execute MySQL queries composed programmatically
Convert English expressions into time values
Compose common MySQL queries from parameters
Send email message with an attached PDF file
Render charts of several types
Store object values in a registry using a strategy
Google Calendar
Create events in a Google calendar
Validate and process files uploaded via Web forms


Set and get status a of a given Twitter user

Send requests to the Gravatar API
Set and get status a of a given Twitter user
Read and write XML documents
Edit INI configuration file using a Web interface
Parse HTML and build a DOM structure
Display MySQL query results in an HTML table


Recognize and handle Web robot by IP or user agent

Generate pronounceable passwords like GNU pwgen
Recognize and handle Web robot by IP or user agent
SUIT Framework
Template engine with configurable syntax
Update and get statuses of Bloggy users
W3C Validation API
Validate an HTML page using the W3C validator
Create PNG format animations from a list of images
Generate an image with a given text
Get access statistics from an Icecast server


Retrieve and extract data from HTML pages

Retrieve and extract data from HTML pages
Store and retrieve data from a MySQL database
Show links to browse MySQL results split in pages
Map data from database tables into objects
Measure the time a script takes to execute
Run MySQL database queries from parameter lists
Parse and extract items from RSS feed
Show calendar of a given week
Browse and manipulate files
Translate text using the Google Translate API


Generate HTML and CSS defined programmatically

Retrieve and parse cookies
Parse XML documents and locate all errors
Create object to access private members
Get geographic location of a given IP address
Facebook Open Inviter
Get contacts of Facebook users by crawling pages
Resize images keeping the original size proportion
Validate and process uploaded files
Generate HTML and CSS defined programmatically
PHP Encryption
Obfuscate PHP scripts by replacing variable names
Dispatch events to registered handler classes
class to handle errors on web apps
Compose and generate sitemaps
MySQL database abstraction access layer
Compose and generate HTML forms programmatically
Keep track of errors in session variables


Perform searches and retrieve results from Google

Read and write BMP images in pure PHP
Web development framework integrated with jQuery
Generate links to browse listings split in pages
Perform searches and retrieve results from Google
Create Windows service to run daemons
Select friends of the current Facebook user
Process payments using the HSBC Web services API
Create objects from definitions in a XML document
XML Site Navigation
Display a menu of links read from a XML file
Access a Twitter account on behalf of a given user
HTML Form Fields Generator
Display HTML form fields
Process payments using the Transfirst ePay API
Database Abstraction Class
MySQL database abstraction package
Split a string in parts separated by characters


Framework for AJAX based rich Web interfaces

Search for files with given text values
Generate URLs for user images in Gravatar.com
CAPTCHA validation using a fixed list of images
Cache content using eAccelerator extension
The Raxan Framework
Framework for AJAX based rich Web interfaces
Crawl pages and scrape e-mail addresses into MySQL
Split MySQL results in pages retrieved using AJAX
Retrieve and display RSS feeds
Convert amounts between currencies using Google
Generate charts with Google Visualization API
Parse XML documents and return arrays of elements
Compose and send e-mail messages via SMTP
Apply an watermark image on another image


Manipulate bit field values

Extract keywords from text file
Get information about ring tones in dada.net
Manipulate bit field values
Generate code to set variables from request values
Parse and cache XML documents
Validate and process multiple uploaded files
Convert hexadecimal codes to HTML entities
Manage user accounts stored in a database with PDO
Facebook Inbox Handler
Access the inbox of Facebook users
Send postal mail using the PostalMethods API
Debug - Log Writer
Log activity to files and compact old log files
Replace URLs in HTML by short URLs from smsh.me
User online and hits
Keep track of site visitors and page hits in MySQL
Generate HTML to embed a sound Flash player
Search for a text string in a file
Manipulate cookies from request header values


Manage CSV files like database tables

Spell a money amount using Spanish words
Generate a pseudo random string
Manage CSV files like database tables
Display a tree view from MySQL data that uses AJAX
Inject dependency objects from XML definitions
Parse and filter insecure HTML tags and CSS styles
Synchronize local files with a remote FTP host
Framework Like CodeIgniter
Template Manager
Template engine that replaces variables in files
Generate PHP code that represents an array value
LibraryThing Services
Get book information using the LibraryThing API
Generate random text and sanitize strings
Display rotating banners from a MySQL database
Manage site users within 5 levels of hierarchy
Manipulate images in several ways
Display a form select input from an options array
Retrieve and parse messages from IMAP mail boxes
Retrieve book information using WorldCat xISBN API
PDO Singleton
Database access singleton using the PDO extension
Import data from DBF files into MySQL databases


Generate RSS feeds from MySQL query results

Manage a balanced tree of text word nodes
Convert images into colored HTML text
Generate RSS feeds from MySQL query results
Validate and process upload files
Filter request values to avoid insecure values
Call a function after a period of time
Evaluate expressions in Reverse Polish Notation
Add support to a given search engine in a browser
Manage collections of objects in several ways


Execute MySQL queries from lists of parameters

Execute MySQL queries from lists of parameters
Store and retrieve reviews of products in MySQL
Convert the request path info string into an array
Generate links that post forms
Flickr API Wrapper
Send requests to the Flicker API
Validate and extract details from JMBG numbers
Extract chunks from large XML files
Generate images using the cover flow effect
Display numbers in the scientific notation format
Retrieve user status from Twitter
Encrypt and decrypt data using SHA1 hashes of keys
Generate and parse XML documents with binary files
Get the most used colors in an image
Generate HTML select input from MySQL query result
Log activity to files buffering the messages
GMT Converter
Convert time between zones defined in a database
Copy multiple files preserving the directories


Call PHP functions to handle jQuery events

Store and retrieve ratings of products in MySQL
Retrieve values of properties defined in scripts
Call PHP functions to handle jQuery events
Overlay Text
Render an image with a text over a background
Compose and generate XML documents
Determine the position of a keyword in Google
Generate menus for OpenBox window manager
Retrieve show times of movies in Slovenia
Locate and load PHP classes


Determine whether an IP address is within a range

Determine whether an IP address is within a range
Limit the number of failed login attempts
Execute actions with accounts of Blip.pl microblog
Template engine that replaces tags within brackets
Call PHP code from Javascript using AJAX
Build a multi-dimensional array for a value list
Validate and process uploaded image files
Display links to browse MySQL query results
Form Generator
Compose and display forms in HTML pages
Create short URLs using puny sapo.pt API
Create image thumbnails preserving the aspect
Upload files to an FTP server


Transliterate Cyrillic UTF-8 text

Web application development framework
Retrieve blog posts from a text file
Transliterate Cyrillic UTF-8 text
Check the online status of an Yahoo messenger user
Convert a XML document into an array
distance class
Calculate the air distance between two cities
Create closure functions for any PHP 5 version
Output debug information to the page or a log file
Manage transitive closure tables stored in MySQL
Grant access to remote users using iptables
Detect mobile device types checking their browser
Store and get objects from relational databases
Create pages adapted to all mobile devices
Process and resize uploaded image files
Log application activity to files
Fix names of PostgreSQL table columns
Retrieve application texts for multiple idioms
Create and retrieve short URLs using short.ie
Auto-load classes based on XML definitions
Generate and check tokens to avoid CSRF attacks
Manage EmailDirect accounts using its API


Automate retrieval and processing of Web pages

Display and validate text in CAPTCHA images
Automate retrieval and processing of Web pages
Manipulate values in iterable data sets
Separated Template
Process HTML templates using CSS classes
Compose HTML tables programmatically using DOM
Generate a basic content site
CSV Iterator
Manipulate data in CSV files as if they are arrays
Process text and data in arrays recursively
Send email messages with content read from files
Transmission of file
Get and send files from SSH, FTP and HTTP servers
Create objects from list of strict type variables
Retrieve and format the size of a file


Generate a RSS feed from a files from a directory

Generate a RSS feed from a files from a directory
CAPTCHA validation using text with math expression
Generate HTML image tags programmatically
Strip malicious tags from HTML documents
Get elements from an HTML page using CSS selectors
Create short URLs using safe.mn API
Retrieve the list of active COM ports on Windows
Get Domain name
Extract the base domain from an URL
Generate and parse ISO 8583 transaction messages
Tab Output
Indent HTML documents
Compose and output HTML forms
Database handling
Execute MySQL queries using parameter lists
Display calendars denoting event days
Display image galleries optimized for the iPhone
Rename multiple files according to rules
DOTS FastTax
Get tax rate information from DOTS FastTax
Track conversation about URLs with uberVU service
Generate a tag cloud from a list of links
Crawl a site and retrieve the the URL of all links
Authenticate users with records in a MySQL table
Import contacts from Web mail accounts
HTTP client to send requests to Web servers
Extract a snapshot image from a video
Generate HTML forms from input parameter lists
Compose and display HTML forms
Sort bidimensional arrays
Limit Result Set Iterator
Retrieve a limited range of SQL query results
Retrieve Web pages emulating a browser
Validate Saudi ID
Validate Saudi resident identifier numbers
Parse and retrieve data from CSV files
Multi Threaded Daemon - enhanced
Daemon that spawns multiple parallel threads
Database servers down alarm
Send alarm messages when databases are down
Crop, resize and convert the format of images
Check the online status of an Yahoo messenger user
Mobile Detect
Detect the type of mobile device accessing a site
Display galleries of photos from PicasaWeb albums
Convert between roman and decimal representation
Manage database of banned IP addresses
Fete Search Highlighter
Highlight keywords within HTML
PostrgreSQL database access wrapper
convert units to the SI/IEC standard
Send SMS messages via the RoutoMessaging gateway
Validate an e-mail address by checking its domain
PHP DataGrid
Display data from arrays in sortable HTML tables
Display nested menus of HTML links
PHP Mosaic
Display of mosaic composed of multiple images
Integrate site users in PHPBB 3 installation
Setup an object from XML definitions
Display HTML content in accordion page sections
Browser Search Box Class
Add your site to browser search box
Manage hosted databases using cPanel
DG Javascript filter
A Mootools based filter script. You can use this script to filter lists(ul li) and table elements


Compose HTML documents programmatically

Implements an IRC client bot
Compose HTML documents programmatically
Measure the time a PHP script takes to run
Generate a class to serve a list of images
Process files uploaded via Web forms
Easy Image DB Management
Manage images stored in files or MySQL database
Filter dangerous values from request variables
Generate signatures that identify the current user
Generate HTML image tags programmatically


Manage a vote polling system

Send HTTP requests and process XML responses
Keep track of form validation errors
Manage a vote polling system
Execute programs in remote computers using SSH
Delete aged files and folder
Cache page content output in files
Compose and send HTTP response headers
Manage forum messages stored in a MySQL database
Convert non-ASCII text in UTF-8 to HTML entities
Send payment requests to Paypal payments Pro API
Backup and restore MySQL databases
Simple benchmark
Measure the time a PHP script takes to run
Generate a class to serve a list of images


Mass Send, Attach, Embed, Through SMTP or MAIL()

Find circular references using waypoint array
Generate scripts to manipulate MySQL table records
Validate several types of value
Mass Send, Attach, Embed, Through SMTP or MAIL()


Prepare and execute MySQL database queries

Search DB
Search for a word in MySQL tables
Prepare and execute MySQL database queries
Measure the time that elapses in microseconds
SMS Twitter to India
Send SMS messages when Twitter status is update
Embed Shoutcast radio
Generate HTML to embed an Internet radio player
Count Rows
Count the lines of files that exist in a directory
Joker the IRC bot
IRC client to create bots
Generate proxy auto-configuration files from XML


Show script debug information to authorized users

Show script debug information to authorized users
Generate code to access MySQL records as objects
Serialize objects with cyclic references
Display a calendar with events
MySQL database access wrapper


Create HTML forms using DOM objects

Implement a Shoutcast music streaming server
Create HTML forms using DOM objects
Compact the size of CSS definitions


Upload File

Render a SVG graphic as a PNG image
Output values of variables
Generate code for proxy classes or interfaces
Process file uploads submitted via Web forms
Implement deterministic finite state machines


Show MySQL query results split in pages using AJAX

Log events to the PHP error log
Show MySQL query results split in pages using AJAX
Manipulate and display dates and time on Web pages
Manipulate songs listed in Blip.fm site


Generate HTML and XHTML programatically

Generate HTML and XHTML programatically
Convert BBCode formatted text to HTML
Retrieve weather forecasts from Yahoo
MySQL database access wrapper
Generate passwords with given requirements
Read and write RSS and Atom feeds


Encrypt and decrypt data using a secret key

Query MySQL using values passed pragmatically
Turn an associative array into an object
Execute MySQL queries from argument values
Encrypt and decrypt data using a secret key
Retrieve project files in GIT repositories
Display statistics from anope IRC services


MVC framework implementation

Determine the Moon phase on a given date
Check whether Javascript is enabled in the browser
MVC framework implementation
Get the schema of a MySQL database into a XML file


Update MySQL databases using SQL change set files

Update MySQL databases using SQL change set files
Serialize and unserialize values in bencode format
Acess e-mail messages from a mailbox
Data type to manipulate numbers


Manipulate MP3 audio files

Manipulate MP3 audio files
Manipulate data records stored in a LDAP server
Measure the time a script takes to execute
Convert PDF files to JPEG images using ImageMagick


Manipulate type safe objects

Manipulate type safe objects
Retrieve information from TrueType font files
Find route between points using Dijkstra algorithm
Determine the pages where short URLs lead


Encrypt and decrypt data using mcrypt

Retrieve data of optical network units using SNMP
Encrypt and decrypt data using mcrypt
Setup a files for Zend framework based application


Execute MySQL queries from lists of arguments
Translate text using Google Translate
Remap method and redirect request with CodeIgniter
Transliterate Cyrillic text to ASCII characters


Manipulate files and directories in FTP servers

Manipulate files and directories in FTP servers
Render Koch curve fractal images


Cookie Management Class

Create HTML and XML documents
Manipulate information stored in cookies
Manipulate configuration files in the ini format


Validate several common types of values

Send SMS messages using ClickATell API
Write log messages to PHP or INI files
Validate several common types of values


Template engine based on PHP template scripts

Template engine based on PHP template scripts
Load classes automatically from directories
Manage a tree of information stored in a database
Retrieve information about television shows


Parse and extract information from XML documents

Parse and extract information from XML documents
Store and retrieve MySQL table records as arrays


Apply several types of effects on images

Manipulate arrays of strict types
Store and retrieve objects from MySQL tables
Apply several types of effects on images
Let users choose site idiom


Run multiple PHP scripts in parallel

Present form to let users choose site idiom
Run multiple PHP scripts in parallel
Display a gallery from pictures in a folder


Session Handler Class

Simple MySQL database access wrapper
Serialize and unserialize values in binary format
Manage sessions stored in a MySQL database


Outlook e-mail files to EML format

Authenticate and get games of Steam community user
Log events to files
Converts Outlook e-mail files to EML format


Dynamic Multisort

Create and manage collections of values
Sort multidimensional arrays
Resize uploaded image files
Authorize access based on IP address


Pager Class

Compute the range of entries in the current page
Template engine based on assigning PHP variables


Object Oriented cURL

MySQL database access wrapper
Keep track of application errors and warnings
Template engine that replaces marks with variables
Get download URL of video files of megavideo.com
Manage configuration options in the PHP.ini file
Get details about domains or addresses with Whois
Generate short URLs using the bit.ly site
Generate data structures in JSON for JIT
Send HTTP requests using the Curl library
Compute checksums of values passed by link URLs


Take a MySQL database backup and send it by e-mail

Take a MySQL database backup and send it by e-mail
Create multiple GD image resources from images


PHP AJAX RSS News Reader

Convert numbers to words in Indonesian
Translate text using the Google AJAX API
Manage help desk ticket submissions
Convert RSS feeds into HTML links


SVN Interface

Crawl a site a build a sitemap
Convert text to show characters upside down
Manipulate MySQL database table records as objects
Show links to browse listings split in pages
Export Planner project data to Mantis bug tracker
Validate dates and calculate relative age
Access projects in SubVersion repositories
Resize images keeping the aspect ratio
Modify the files in a ZIP archive


Google Translator

Determine the user browser
Sort arrays with text encoded using Unicode
Determine the Qiblah direction
Translate text using Google Translate site
Parse log files and process with separate classes
Retrieve configuration values from INI files
Display pagination links using templates
Generate tables with HTML DIV tags
Implement REST Web services servers
Spell money amounts to Indonesian words


Google Currency Converter

Manage users and friends that exchange messages
Convert currency amounts using Google searches
Implements the singleton design pattern
Schedule a backup of a Cpanel hosting account


Framework with MVC support

Compute page links of listings split in pages
Authenticate users with Yahoo accounts
Manage Apache htaccess and htpasswd files
Determine the MIME type of a file
Simple MySQL database access wrapper
Framework with MVC support


PHP Scroller

Keeps track of visitors to show limited ads a day
Generate CAPTCHA validation images
Import contacts from Gmail
Display text messages scrolling vertically


Generate documents in RTF

Select friends on Facebook
Process an image to make it look like a cartoon
Retrieve information from a Counter-Strike server
Manage chat dialog sessions
Apply effects on images using only GD
Generate documents in RTF
Show links to browse MySQL database query results
Generate parsing tables for context free grammars