
Manipulate bit field values

Extract keywords from text file
Get information about ring tones in dada.net
Manipulate bit field values
Generate code to set variables from request values
Parse and cache XML documents
Validate and process multiple uploaded files
Convert hexadecimal codes to HTML entities
Manage user accounts stored in a database with PDO
Facebook Inbox Handler
Access the inbox of Facebook users
Send postal mail using the PostalMethods API
Debug - Log Writer
Log activity to files and compact old log files
Replace URLs in HTML by short URLs from smsh.me
User online and hits
Keep track of site visitors and page hits in MySQL
Generate HTML to embed a sound Flash player
Search for a text string in a file
Manipulate cookies from request header values


Manage CSV files like database tables

Spell a money amount using Spanish words
Generate a pseudo random string
Manage CSV files like database tables
Display a tree view from MySQL data that uses AJAX
Inject dependency objects from XML definitions
Parse and filter insecure HTML tags and CSS styles
Synchronize local files with a remote FTP host
Framework Like CodeIgniter
Template Manager
Template engine that replaces variables in files
Generate PHP code that represents an array value
LibraryThing Services
Get book information using the LibraryThing API
Generate random text and sanitize strings
Display rotating banners from a MySQL database
Manage site users within 5 levels of hierarchy
Manipulate images in several ways
Display a form select input from an options array
Retrieve and parse messages from IMAP mail boxes
Retrieve book information using WorldCat xISBN API
PDO Singleton
Database access singleton using the PDO extension
Import data from DBF files into MySQL databases


Generate RSS feeds from MySQL query results

Manage a balanced tree of text word nodes
Convert images into colored HTML text
Generate RSS feeds from MySQL query results
Validate and process upload files
Filter request values to avoid insecure values
Call a function after a period of time
Evaluate expressions in Reverse Polish Notation
Add support to a given search engine in a browser
Manage collections of objects in several ways


Execute MySQL queries from lists of parameters

Execute MySQL queries from lists of parameters
Store and retrieve reviews of products in MySQL
Convert the request path info string into an array
Generate links that post forms
Flickr API Wrapper
Send requests to the Flicker API
Validate and extract details from JMBG numbers
Extract chunks from large XML files
Generate images using the cover flow effect
Display numbers in the scientific notation format
Retrieve user status from Twitter
Encrypt and decrypt data using SHA1 hashes of keys
Generate and parse XML documents with binary files
Get the most used colors in an image
Generate HTML select input from MySQL query result
Log activity to files buffering the messages
GMT Converter
Convert time between zones defined in a database
Copy multiple files preserving the directories