
Store and retrieved encrypted values in cookies

Manipulate content of a site in Webs.com
Receive and reply to Web services requests
Shows random image or Flash banners from a list
Measure time script execution time
Store and retrieved encrypted values in cookies
Perform mathematical operations with fractions
Perform useful actions using Web services
Export email list to CSV and vCard
Export contact lists in CSV and vCard formats
Create animations in GIF format from an image list
Run MySQL database queries from parameter lists


Encrypt and verify URL parameters

Template engine that replaces variables with text
Call PostgreSQL stored procedures
Create and manipulate images
Encrypt and verify URL parameters
Manage content stored in a MySQL database
Manage hosting e-mail accounts with cPanel
Forms Protected of XSS attacks
Validate submitted form values
Framework that implements MVC design pattern


Generate Xdebug code coverage reports

Generate Xdebug code coverage reports
Get information about disk volumes
Implement the decorator design pattern
Get the location of an IP using ipinfodb.com
Create obfuscated e-mail strings
Manipulate text strings
 Remove Directory
Delete directories and its files recursively
MySQL database access wrapper


Parse and analyze HTML documents

Submit ZIP archives to Produce and Publish servers
Execute MySQL database queries
Generate and validate HTML forms
Parse and analyze HTML documents
 PDF to image converter using PHP
Convert PDF documents to images using Ghostscript
Generate HTML to embed audio and video players


Manage and call closures and callback functions

Manage and call closures and callback functions
Resize and process uploaded image files
Scan resources made available by SMB shares
Backup and restore MySQL databases from XML files
Manipulate dates, HTML and text strings
MySQL database access wrapper


Generate sitemaps and notify updates

Generate sitemaps and notify updates
Manage XML and MySQL databases using SQL
Manage variables with dynamic names
Search and count words in a file
Monitor and restore damaged application files
Log checker
Truncate log files that exceed a limit size
Get information about IP address from IPInfoDB.com


Retrieve server traffic information using RRDTool

Execute Oracle database queries
Retrieve server traffic information using RRDTool
Calculate hosting bandwidth based on its audience


Show buttons to pay products with Google Checkout

Show buttons to pay products with Google Checkout
Keep track of references to variable values
Burn CD using CreateCD Windows program
Merge template values in OpenOffice and Office