
Resize element widget

Auto complete
Week planner
New feature: Possible to specify start and end hour for the planner.
Ajax scrolling pages.
This script loads content from the server and inserts it into an empty HTML element(example a DIV tag) on your page. New pages can be appended dynamically and the script will scroll down to the content of the new pages.
Unobtrusive Slide Out Menu.
Fixed problem with the menu in Internet Explorer 7. The initLeftMenu function has been updated.
Hosting reviews
Dhtmlgoodies.com presents reviews provided by RealMetrics. The reviews include unbiased metrics for the top online service providers enabling customers to choose a service provider with confidence.
Image slideshow 5
Fixed a problem with the slide show script in Safari for Mac. To implement the changes, replace the js file. Also, position:absolute; is added to .strip_of_thumbnails in the css.
Dragable RSS boxes
Preserving box state(expanded or collapsed) by saving it in a cookie.
Unobtrusive sortable table
New feature: Highlight column. This feature makes it possible for you to highlight the column you're table is sorted by.
Folder tree with drag and drop
New features: Rename and delete nodes from a context menu.
DHTML Menu for applications
The "DHTML Menu For Applications" is a part of the upcomming library called "DHTML Suite for applications". This menu is particular useful in web applications because of it's features where you can manipulate the menu dynamically after the page is loaded(Add nodes, Delete nodes, replace nodes, show nodes and hide nodes).
Ajax dynamic content
Improved the way the script parses javascript in the ajax response. Now, the script will be evaluated in global context. The problem before was that assignment seach as "var a = new myClass" was evaluated inside a method. Then "a" became a local variable inside that method. This problem has now been resolved.
Floating window with tabs
New features: Maximizing and Minimizing windows. The script has also been optimized to make "move" and "resize" work more smoothly.
DHTML Suite for applications ver 1.2
New widget and some bug fixes
DHTML Suite for applications ver 1.3
New widgets and some new features
Tooltip for forms
Fixed a problem with tooltip positioning when the tooltip were used on form elements inside center aligned containers.
DHTML Suite for applications ver 1.4
New image selection and drag widget and a new calendar widget. Also included some new features and improvements for some of the other widgets.
Window widget (DHTML Suite)
New window widget with tab support.
Resize element widget (DHTML Suite)
New resize element widget.
Color widgets
A simple color palette and a more advanced color widget has been developed for the DHTML Suite.
Window widget
Separate download page for the window widget from DHTML Suite for applications.
DHTML Suite for applications
Version 1.6.2. This patch fixes some memory leak problems in older IE browsers(version 6 and below).
DHTML Suite for applications, ver. 1.7
1) New form validator widget, 2) Ajax form submission, 3) Dynamic inclusion of DHTML Suite Javascript files and 4) Display DOM elements inside modal message boxes.

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