
Generate HTML pages programatically

Authenticate users with records in a MySQL table
Manipulate dates using the UNIX date command
Generate and validate expirable one time passwords
Split MySQL query results in multiple pages
go!Johnny class library
Generate HTML pages programatically
Get city weather forecast from wunderground.com
FTP Upload
Upload files to an FTP server
Compiled template engine
Dynamically set and get variable values
Object To XML
Generate XML from values of object variables
Parse XML documents using pure PHP code
Ip3 NetAccess XML API
Communicate IP3 NetAccess appliances
Retrieve UPS shipping information
Display galleries of images stored in files
Manage tree elements stored in a MySQL database
OO shell scripts using PHP
Access to command line input and output streams
Manage configuration files stored as PHP scripts
Extract information about PHP classes
Correct ID3 tags of music stored in a database
Read and search local or remote files
Date and Time Calculator
Add or subtract date and time values
Render bar, line and polygon chart images
Split MS SQL query results in multiple pages
Generate images for CAPTCHA validation
Create a MySQL database backup using mysqldump
Query To JSON
Convert MySQL query results to JSON format
Generate mapping features files in KML format
Working PHP Scripts
Create Excel spreadsheet files in .xls XML format
Retrieve music album images from Amazon.com
Database structure synchronizer
Compare MySQL databases to synchronize structures
Perform operations with fractional numbers
Get a directory listing sorted by several options
Generate breadcrumb links from page URI
Generate HTML tables programmatically
Manipulate text strings in several ways
Build URLs from a list of parameters
Handle multiple TCP socket connections
PHP data caching class
Cache arbitrary data in files
Convert messages from maildir to mbox format
GNU/Linux Stats
Retrieve information about Linux systems
Take screenshots of pages with Internet Explorer
Generate Web pages to manipulate database records
Display charts using Open Flash
Retrieve tables and fields of a Progress database
Manipulate dates in different formats
Inner Link Replacer
Replace text in HTML with links to glossary pages
PHP Wrapper to load Flash movies
Render chart images using Google Chart
Retrieve information of the user browser
Allegro script
Manage auctions in allegro.pl site
Easy WMI
Access Windows resources using WMI objects
Cache data in different types of container
Comic Engine
Retrieve daily comic strips from comic sites
Rotates the binary logs in a MySQL 5 cluster
Extract values from tag based documents
Convert color values between different models
INI File Parser
Parse INI files into an array
Retrieve the list of all files in a directory
Process credit card payments using BluePay gateway
Determine the address of a Brazilian zip code
Generate rounded corner images
Display composite Web page elements
Display month calendars denoting event dates
Retrieve the structure of a class using reflection
Nested template processing engine
Generate random floating point numbers
Generate images for CAPTCHA validation
RSS feed class
Regenerate an RSS 2.0 feed from another RSS feed
Display form inputs defined programatically
Generate images for CAPTCHA validation
Parse and extract files from MIME HTML archives
Convert numbers to Roman and Hindu format
Display the contents of directory as a tree
Get spelling correction suggestions from Google
Compose HTML pages programmatically
Validate and filter text values
Sam Pagination Class
Display database query results split in pages
Query Windows Active Directory
Evolutionary programming algorithm implementation
Session Manager Implementation
Manage logged user sessions
Store and retrieve logs from a MySQL database
Login and DB classes quick start
Authenticate users with records in MySQL database
Export event dates from Drevo to Google Calendar
Number to Turkish text
Spell quantity numbers in Turkish
Gerar Tabela Semanticamente Correta
Generate HTML tables defined programmatically
Number to Turkish text
Spell quantity numbers in Turkis
Debug system
Output debug information to an HTML log
Convert the HTML output to XHTML using Tidy
PHP Universal Feed Parser
Parse RSS and ATOM feeds
Compose and send e-mail messages using template
Create and load PDF forms in FDF format
Extract e-mail addresses from HTML pages
vCard Creator Full
Generate user contact files in vCard format
Generic site comments system
CAPTCHA validation using ASCII art text
Generate Persian month or year calendars
MySQL database access wrapper
Render box plot charts from data sets
DICT Client
Query dictionary servers using the DICT protocol
Manage lists of objects similar to J2SE ArrayList
Number to Persian text
Spell numbers using Persian words
Manipulate files and directories
Link And Domain Extractor
Retrieve links and e-mail from a remote Web page
Parse and manipulate dates
Database Connect
Execute common SQL queries for different databases
Compose HTML forms programmatically
Date tools
Manage date values
Web Crawler using MySQL DB
Retrieve Web pages and store links in a database
Determine whether a number is prime
Get coordinates of locations with geocode services
Generate grid of tokens, authenticate user with it
Generate a PHP class from a configuration XML file
XML to Sensible Array
Parse XML documents into associative arrays
Unserialize values exported with var_export
Generate grid of tokens to authenticate us
Write On Pic
Write text on a picture
Retrieve color elements from the COLOURLovers site
List Days
Retrieve the list of all days between two dates
Get geographic location of IP address from GeoIP
Generate database auto increment table alter query
Generate MySQL database auto increment alter query
Generate repeated hashes of data
PHP Tree Graph Ext
Render graphical diagrams of hierarchical trees
Encode e-mail addresses to avoid harvesters
Simple access layer
Manage user resource access permissions
Idiom translation interface for mobile devices
Base De Datos
MySQL database access wrapper
Manipulate encrypted data with certificates
Encrypt and decrypt text by adding key sum
Show links to browse MySQL query result listings
Send SMS messages via Betamax gateways
Present world maps with Google Maps API
Compose and execute common MySQL database queries
Show images for CAPTCHA validation with pictograms
Setup and call application plug-in scripts
SimpleXML for PHP4
Load XML files in PHP 4 like SimpleXML extension
Manipulate flat file databases with DBA extension
Calculate location sunset and sunrise time
Morse encoder and decoder
Encode and decode morse symbols
Generate classes from definitions in XML
Generate meta tags
Generate header and footer tags of an HTML page
Parse and run DFL language programs
Generate breadcrumbs navigation based on the URL
Encrypt and decrypt data asymmetrically
Valida Email
Validate e-mail address with regular expressions
Encrypt and decrypt data with a single key
GPW parse
Import Polish stock market data into a database
Show links to browse listings split in pages
Image Resizing Class
Resize images preserving the aspect ratio
XML parser
Parse a XML document into an array
Show links to browse listings using templates
IRC connect class
Robot to access IRC channels
Display a collapsible tree of links
Generate passwords with random characters
Store and retrieve objects from a database
Boolean Minimization
Minimize boolean expressions using base 3 matrix
Generate forms for using with Smarty templates
Log activity to a database
Compute Jalali calendar dates
Show links to browse query results split in pages
Manage multiple files uploaded with Web forms
Manipulate internationalization XML files
Manipulate file and directory path strings
Execute MySQL queries from lists of parameters
Generate form inputs to choose a date and time
Star rating package
Process and show rating stars given by the user
Get the list of files, directories in a directory
World Time Engine
Get the location and time zone of an address
Base class to extract classes features
Extract links and images from remote Web pages
Generate wizard-like Web user interface using AJAX
Manage data in a MySQL database table
Resize images to generate thumbnails
Compute the time difference between two dates
Generate images for CAPTCHA validation
Class Generator for MySQL Tables
Generate classes to access MySQL database tables
Retrieve e-mail contacts using Rapleaf API
Extract Text Between Long Tags
Extract data between two HTML tags
Template engine that uses regular expressions
Generate line and 3D bar graphs
Generate feeds in RSS 1.0, 2.0 an Atom formats
Event Logger
Log events to a MySQL database or a file
Split database query result listings between pages
Validate values submitted with Web forms
Pretty Latin
Transliterate text in UTF-8 to Latin characters
Make a browser print a given HTML document
Export To Excel
Generate HTML tables from MySQL query results
CAPTCHA validation using colored boxes and AJAX
Generate phonetically similar words
Template engine that uses regular expressions
Load multiple class with Java-like import commands
Read EXIF information from picture files
Parse, modify and save XML documents
Backup database structure
Generate backup files of MySQL databases
Retrieve database query result records
Cache library
Cache arbitrary data in files

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