
Manage CSV files like database tables

Spell a money amount using Spanish words
Generate a pseudo random string
Manage CSV files like database tables
Display a tree view from MySQL data that uses AJAX
Inject dependency objects from XML definitions
Parse and filter insecure HTML tags and CSS styles
Synchronize local files with a remote FTP host
Framework Like CodeIgniter
Template Manager
Template engine that replaces variables in files
Generate PHP code that represents an array value
LibraryThing Services
Get book information using the LibraryThing API
Generate random text and sanitize strings
Display rotating banners from a MySQL database
Manage site users within 5 levels of hierarchy
Manipulate images in several ways
Display a form select input from an options array
Retrieve and parse messages from IMAP mail boxes
Retrieve book information using WorldCat xISBN API
PDO Singleton
Database access singleton using the PDO extension
Import data from DBF files into MySQL databases

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